Remington Technology
Remington Technology has been a part of PNG since 1948.
During the last 70 years we have helped in the growth of many companies in PNG by partnering up with them and guiding them through their technology requirements. Today we have many clients who have built a strong relationship with us and we are the trusted supplier of not only their printing and software requirements, but their piece of mind as well. We can advise on any aspect of your document management requirements from printing to scanning to offsite storage of your data. We are your Partners for Life, not just the life of any sale.

Business Solutions
We provide total business solutions for all your printing and document requirements including Office Multifunction Printers, Copiers & Production Print Systems
Document Solutions (Software)
We deliver integrated document management solutions to enable you to improve your document workflow and maximize business efficiency;
Management Team

Justin Kieseker
General Manager
Justin manages the overall operations of Remington Technology in Port Moresby and the branch network dotted across Papua New Guinea including Lae, Goroka, Wewak, Kimbe, Kokopo, Madang and Mt Hagen. Justin has been with Remington Technology for 2 years with over 30 years’ experience in business development across a selection of industries in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Justin is known for his strong customer relationship building skills and his ability to succeed in complex customer environments and markets.

Andrew Schmidt
Technical Training & Support Manager
A graduate with an Associate Diploma in Engineering electronics and electronic systems. Andrew has 22 years of experience and a trained specialist for a variety of leading Office equipment Brands (Pitney Bowes, Ricoh, Cannon, Kwikcash (Bank-Tech) ATMs, Fuji Xerox PC office equipment, and Konica Minolta and Konica Minolta Production equipment.

Rosemary Noel
Call Centre Manager
Rosemary started her career with Remington in 2002 as the executive secretary to the Managing Director. In 2005, her outgoing personality and a keen interest to learn on the job landed her a role as a Sales administrator, supervising the distribution of consumables throughout the company’s branch network. She was appointed as the Supply Line Manager in 2011, managing, supervising and training staff to achieve sales outcomes for Port Moresby and the branches. In 2020, she was promoted as the Call Centre Manager. In her capacity, Rosemary manages the Remington Technology Consumables Sales Team, while administering stock and tracking monthly sales reports for the branch network and the call Centre team, she continues to mentor young staff with her vast knowledge of consumables.