The Remington Group has announced our Apprenticeship Programme for 2022, “OPEN”.
Discover a new career under our accredited Apprenticeship Programme. The Remington Group Apprenticeship Programme is a 4-year Programme aimed at providing TVET graduates with technical disciplines and a career pathway. The Remington Group Apprenticeship Programme is facilitated in collaboration with the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations (DLIR) through the National Apprenticeship Trade and Testing Board.
Under the umbrella of our Apprenticeship Programme, we have assisted in training and supporting young Papua New Guineans to achieve Certification in their respective trade. The participants in the Apprenticeship Programme are assigned to perform tasks in line with their learned skills, or tasks that are related to their trade, and undergo block courses from technical institutions arranged by the National Apprenticeship Trade and Testing Board. All of this is carried out in collaboration with and supported by our Group of Companies.
The Remington Group have already groomed four young Papua New Guineans to be skilled Service Technicians since the commencement of our Apprenticeship Programme and are looking forward to providing more opportunities for young Papua New Guineans within our organisation.
Human Resources Group Manager, Natasha Austin said:
“The TVET sector is an underdeveloped area with huge potential. As an organisation, we have realised this and we are harnessing its capacity to fill in our short term and long term skills gaps. We believe in developing competent youths today and equipping them for tomorrow’s work challenges because we operate in a technologically driven industry. In doing so, we are contributing towards building PNG’s human resources”.
We encourage Expressions of Interest from final year students who study in the field of; electronics, IT, electro-technology or similar to apply for our Apprenticeship Programme.
After completion of this Programme, you will not only be a qualified Service Technician but also have practical experience and exposure. For more information, please connect with the Remington Group on Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram to see updates regarding our Apprenticeship Programme or contact the HR team on, Remington is a household name in PNG, having operated here since 1948. The Remington Group of Companies is absolutely committed to nurturing young Papua New Guineans by providing them with opportunities to learn and grow. In 2021, twenty students have progressed through our development programs. Work, learn and earn under the Remington Group Apprenticeship Programme