Remington Group Staff Development

Remington Group Staff Development

As a Nationally owned Business Group, we are 100% committed to the development and welfare of our staff and continuously seek to improve our learning and development programmes and initiatives. We understand that without proper training, we only prepare our staff to fail when we push them into more responsible roles, therefore, this year as part of our commitment to developing our staff talent pool we introduced a new role “Group Training Manager”. This role ensures that our staff receive proper guidance and training to help develop their potential and further aid them in preparation for transfer or promotion to more senior roles when the time comes.

Our Group Training Manager is Agnes Andrew, her professional career has been very successful and we are extremely fortunate to have her on our team. Agnes is responsible for all things learning and development in collaboration with respective Managers and General Managers. Agnes has 15 years of work experience in the Banking and Finance Sector and holds an MBA from Torrens University Australia. She is well vested in the Accounting space but has evolved into a professional trainer and assessor/educator. Agnes also has 10 years of work experience as a banker and is a Senior Associate with the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA), a registered CPA Member (soon to be certified as a practising accountant) as well as a registered trainer with the National Training Council of PNG. Since her assumption of this role, Agnes has conducted successful training sessions in Customer Service, Effective Communication skills & Time Management in our various Business Units.

The Remington Group is not only invested in our businesses, we are invested in our people and want to see individuals grow and succeed in their respective careers by providing; effective training, improving job skills, coaching and mentoring our people. This applies to everyone on our team, cross-training, shadowing, working together and learning from each other leverages experience and knowledge and builds an effective team. From the top management to casual staff, training and staff development are crucial to our success.