One right answer led to a job offer for Pom Tech student.

One right answer led to a job offer for Pom Tech student.

Securing a job after college or university is on almost every graduate’s things-to-do list to support them in these hard times.

We welcome Paulius Nasupi to our Group Facilities Department. He graduated with NC 3 in electrical at the Port Moresby Technical College last month and is weeks into his diploma program. Paulius, fortunately, received an early call from Remington Group to begin his career.

Paulius said, “I was at the graduation, and the CEO (Peter Goodwin) asked a question, and he said whoever gets this question right gets a job. It was about the history of Remington in PNG, and I knew immediately what the answer was, I stood up, answered the question, and here I am.”
He said his interest in this print technology organisation started when his senior course-mate did his on-the-job training with Remington Technology and since then, Paulius has always kept an eye out for opportunities in line with his skills. Little did he know ‘the opportunity’ would come knocking as a simple answer to a question.

“I am grateful for the opportunity at such an early stage of my studies to begin my career,” said Paulius.

We are happy to support Paulius in his career development as he works towards completing his Diploma in Electrical.